About us

We promote and support the advancement and education of our employees and develop their knowledge, skills and abilities with an emphasis on a proactive approach in an integrated management system.

Sokol Vinkovci

The company Sokol d.o.o was founded in 1994 as a d.o.o. for Construction, Trade and Services based in Vinkovci, H.V. Hrvatinića 11. Sokol d.o.o. is an established contractor for construction and installation work in civil engineering and building construction with many years of experience in the construction and maintenance of energy and telecommunications lines and networks, pipelines and installations and buildings for various purposes. The structure of employees, gained experience from many years of work as well as an enviable level of technical equipment guarantees quality and timely execution of contracted works. By introducing quality and environmental management standards according to ISO9001: 2000 and ISO14001: 2004 standards, the management and all employees show full commitment to continuous improvement of the quality of services contracted with our customers and to contribute to environmental protection in the field. By introducing quality and environmental management standards according to ISO9001: 2000 and ISO14001: 2004 standards, the management and all employees show full commitment to continuous improvement of the quality of services contracted with our customers and to contribute to environmental protection in the field.

We create a partnership environment with clients, suppliers and subcontractors.
We act in accordance with legal and other requirements applicable to our organization.
We are constantly improving the integrated management system in accordance with internationally recognized standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001.
We strive to prevent pollution and permanently improve our relationship with the environment.
We provide all the resources to maintain health and safety at work and take preventive measures to prevent injuries and illnesses.
We promote the proactive action of each employee on environmental aspects and assessed risks.
We are constantly improving human and material resources.

The numbers speak for us


Years of experience

We create a partnership environment with clients, suppliers and subcontractors.


Satisfied clients

We are constantly improving our integrated management system.



Over 160 professionally trained employees take care of the quality of the work.


Certificate of Excellence

Proud of certificates of prudential excellence.

Sokol laboratory

Sokol d.o.o. Vinkovci has completed the accreditation procedure of Sokol Laboratory with the Croatian Accreditation Agency. Sokol Laboratory is accredited for testing construction products, according to the standard HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025. Sokol Laboratory is accredited for testing construction products, according to the standard HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025 and is authorized for the following tests:

Testing the watertightness of sewage systems by the test method HRN EN 1610: 2002, item 13.2, 13.3, 13.4

Testing the watertightness of sewage systems by the test method HRN EN 1610: 2015, item 11

Testing the watertightness of drainage structures and water supply structures using the test method HRN EN 1508: 2007, item 8.3

Testing and visual coding of the condition by recording with a remote-controlled CCTV camera, entering a building, using mirrors and photographing sewer systems using the test method HRN EN 13508-2: 2011


Quality and safety

We promote and support the advancement and education of our employees and develop their knowledge, skills and abilities with an emphasis on a proactive approach in an integrated management system.

Quality and safety

We promote and support the advancement and education of our employees and develop their knowledge, skills and abilities with an emphasis on a proactive approach in an integrated management system.

Many years of

Over 160 employees and professionally trained employees, as well as a wide range of construction machinery and equipment, take care of the quality performance of the works listed below.
Rehabilitation of the embankment Danube – Drava in Kopačevo
Rehabilitation of the embankment Danube – Drava in Kopačevo
The Baranja flood defense system is based on the Drava, Danube, and Drava-Danube embankments (over 130 km of embankments) and a series of drainage canals that are a systemic component of the system. For the Baranja area, the construction of the system and good condition have no alternative in terms of flood protection.
Cogeneration plant “VIRIDAS BIOMAS”
Cogeneration plant “VIRIDAS BIOMAS”
Business zone Tečina has an area of 174,000 m2, consists of one plot and a cogeneration plant and facilities for suitable heat consumption are being built for the purpose of using thermal energy.
Lateral canal Kneževi Vinogradi – Zmajevac
Lateral canal Kneževi Vinogradi – Zmajevac
The lateral canal is about 12.3 kilometers long. The function of the canal is two-purpose irrigation of agricultural areas in dry periods, by releasing water from the Dragon Danube into the lateral canal, ie draining into the Danube of excess torrent water coming into the lateral canal from the Baranja mountain.
Power plant Dubrovnik, TS Plat
Power plant Dubrovnik, TS Plat
The construction works include all earthworks and construction works on the construction of the 220 kV, 110 kV and 35 kV plant buildings and the command building in the ceiling of the plat substation, as well as their internal arrangement and equipment.
Bakar – Koksara
Bakar – Koksara
The coking plant in Bakar was opened in 1976 and until 1995, the plant was used for the production of coke, and had a 250 m high chimney that was used to emit harmful gases. The space of the coking plant in Bakar is recognized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction as one of the 10 black spots in the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
Poduzeće za komunalno gospodarstvo u pretežitom vlasništvu Grada Osijeka ima osnovnu zadaću brinuti se o čistoći, urednosti i ljepoti gradskih ulica, parkova i drugih javnih i zelenih površina.
Hrvatski telekom
Hrvatski telekom
T-Com is the leading provider of telecommunications services in the field of fixed telephony and the Internet in Croatia.
OT - Optima Telekom d.d. it is the second fixed telecommunications operator in the Republic of Croatia.