Privacy Policy
Sokol is obliged to protect the personal information of the clients. We only collect basic client/user information that is necessary to fulfill our obligations. We inform customers of the way we use their data and decide whether their name will be on the lists used for marketing campaigns. All personal information of users is strictly kept, only available to employees who are required to do this job. All employees of Sokol and business partners are responsible for respecting privacy principles.
Collection and Use of information
Sokol appreciates and protects your privacy. In the process of realizing the requested service and for providing information and information related to our services, we will use only the information you consent to. We agree that your personal information will not be sold, disclosed or given to a third party in a manner not specified in this program.
To submit an inquiry on our web site, the user must fill out the contact form. By filling out the form, the user is requested contact information (such as name and e-mail address). This information is used to contact the user when answering the questions posted on our web site.
Log files
We use IP addresses to analyze trends, track user movements, maintain web pages, and gather wider demographic data. The IP addresses are not related to personal information by which individual identification is possible.
Availability of information
Collected demographic data will be available to our media partners, professionals, and advertisers. Demographic data is not associated with personal data by which individual identification is possible. When providing certain services we team up with a third party. The third-party will be able to access the name or other contact information only if the user requests these services. The third party is not allowed to use personal data except to provide the above-mentioned services.
Our website may contain links to other websites. Sokol cannot be held responsible for respecting privacy on other websites. We encourage users to read the privacy statements of each website that collects and uses their personal information. This Privacy Statement applies only to information collected on this website.
We take all the necessary steps to secure our user data on our site. Confidential data is protected both online and offline. If our forms require confidential information, these data are encrypted and protected by the security protocol (SSL). Internet browsers (browsers) such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox lock icon indicate site security. If the lock in the icon is closed, you are on a protected page. We use SSL encryption to protect our online data and we do everything in our power to protect our data and offline. Access to all data about our users is limited. Access to confidential information only has employees whose data is required to perform certain services. For any additional security questions on our website, you can send an e-mail to
Correcting / Updating Personal Dana
Respondent has the following rights:
the right to a correction
the right to delete / forget
the right to limit processing
the right to data transfer
right of access
the right to complain.
For all requests, please contact the Personal Data Protection Officer Sokol d.o.o. whose data and contact are below.
H. V. Hrvatinića 11, 32 100 Vinkovci, Croatia email:
Notifications about changes
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post the notice on this site’s front page. Users will always be familiar with the data we collect, the ways we use the collected data, and under what conditions we may disclose personal information. If at any time we choose to use the personal information of the user in a different way than the one stated at the time they were received, we will email the users. Users will be allowed to approve or reject the use of data in a new way. The data will be used following the privacy policies valid at the time of the user’s data collection.
Rules on how to handle cookies
Cookie is the information that a web site stores to a computer or mobile device of a visitor. The cookie allows the website to remember visitors’ actions from its visits. Most browsers allow the use of cookies, but the user can at any time delete cookies or set cookies on the cookie at any time. The most common reasons for using cookies are user-identifying, remembering user preferences, contributing to the input or review of content that has already occurred in previous visits, gathering analysis data, and promotional campaigns. When using cookies, data is automatically collected from your computer when you arrive at our site. These data may include IP address, date and time of access, computer type information, operating system, the browser you are using, program versions, and your computer’s language settings. By accessing the site itself, you will see the cookie usage information that collects this information and by clicking on the “I agree” field you are given us the privilege to collect this information. If the pages do not give you privacy, this information will not be collected, stored and processed. Cookies are stored on your computer and are deleted immediately after you close your browser and allow a page to collect temporary data such as a shopping cart. In the browser settings, you can determine whether the cookies you want to accept or reject. The location of the editing options depends on the type of browser and can be found when searching for help or file help. If you decide you do not want to accept cookies from the website there is a possibility that you will not be able to use certain functions on the website.